Let your kid’s creativity shine!

There are no boundaries to creativity. The only thing that limits a person’s ability to fly high with his imagination is the person himself. I wish I had the chance to take my kids on a tour of my childhood. What a great idea for quality time!

Back then, the world was much freer from distraction. It was much easier to make the most of the moment. The days were loaded with play and recreation. Kids were busy playing, creating, and imagining, all with the simplest of things—with balls and ropes, sticks and stones—with almost nothing. And the most excellent thing about it was that they were happy—truly happy!

Kids actually practice real life through their childhood experiences. Back then, it was so easy to be a creative kid. Creative children never stop creating—the ideas never stop coming wherever they are and whatever they are doing. They don’t need much to make much. Finding a moment of boredom in a creative kid’s life is tough.

Creativity is a skill more than an inborn talent. That’s why how kids are raised influences their ability to think and create creatively. Characteristics that usually accompany a creative mind are imagination, intelligence, a passion for creating something new, originality, and curiosity. Coming up with innovative ideas and sharing them with others also demands courage to deal with criticism. Creativity makes a person unique and helps him become a survivor who can find alternatives whenever needed.

Raising kids nowadays is not easy. Many external considerations, such as money, time, and energy resources, influence the family dynamic. But parents eventually dictate the tone by combining their beliefs, willingness, and level of awareness about children’s needs.

So, how can parents encourage and support their child’s creativity in today’s world?

My list for you is:

1. Limit screen and technology time—Time is a vital resource. Make space for imagination, free games, socialization, movement, and crafts. You will realize that kids always find something to do if we provide them with a space for that.

2. Expose the child to other people’s artwork through all means (books, a museum tour, websites, art exhibitions, etc.).

3. Expose kids to materials and products that we find at home.

4. Let them try experiencing things alone without adults interrupting, as long as they aren’t dangerous or unsafe.

5. Let your kid express himself; he needs to know that what he says is important and interesting.

6. Ask him questions. Consult with him as an adult. Show him that you respect his opinion.

7. Take your kid to an arts and crafts shop. These places can spark so many ideas and enthusiasm.

8. Don’t try to comfort and please your kids by buying them stuff. The best ideas for new games can come from them.

9. If you wish to buy your kids new games or craft kits, always ask yourself what the real benefit of the activity is and whether it justifies the price.

Most of the tools to encourage your kid to develop and strengthen his creative mind are in your hands.

So, what are your creative plans for today?


  1. Gwynn Torres on December 12, 2016 at 8:09 pm

    Yours is a very thoughtful list of ways to encourage creativity in children. And you’re so right about all the distractions for children today. Someone just explained to me that a defining characteristic of millennials is that, because of when they were born, cell phones and the Internet always existed in their lives. And that’s the phenomenon of today’s kids. They never really have time to be bored as older generations did. Remember hobbies?
    Gwynn Torres
    The Creativity Institute

    • bsmartnplay on December 16, 2016 at 12:17 pm

      Thank you for your comment. And, YES, I definitely remember hobbies :-), I keep my hobbies with me till today.
      We, the adults, should keep in mind a few things:
      First, that our memories about our amazing and different childhood are kept with us all, but our kids weren’t there to cherish them too. It’s our job helping them create beautiful memories of their own; And it won’t happen from spending hours in front of the screens.
      Second, time is a very precious source and it’s like eating dinner twice: If our time, or our kids’ time is already stuffed, there is no room for more things to enter – therefore we need to plan our time and their time more carefully.
      It’s very important that parents will believe and remember that the power to direct their kids is in their hands-
      They just need to use it wisely 🙂

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